In honor of Dirt Rag Magazine entering their 30th year, they are taking a look back at articles from years past.
Mountain bike Hall-of Fame personality Charlie Kelly interviewed Bob Weir – musician and mountain biker, back in 1992.

It’s a good read, and you can read the full interview here.

We have a funny story from those days. I was working for cannondale in 1987 when The Dead bought those 10 bikes. They had wild air-brushed "custom graphics" we were doing in Bedford, PA, with color-coordinated grips, cables, and toe straps (!). In those days, 100% of Cannondale’s bikes were made in Pennsylvania. Betsy Weigel, ex-wife of renown frame builder Peter Weigel, designed the paint schemes. After the bikes were delivered, The Dead invited me to a show they were playing at Foxboro Stadium with Bob Dylan on July 4, 1987. The Dead played two sets, and were scheduled to play a third, backing Dylan, which I believe was the first time they had all gigged together. I was backstage trying to carry out the stealth mission of getting a photo of the band with the bikes for Cannondale P.R. I remember running into a very tall, red-headed Bill Walton, devout Dead fan and cyclist, who was just finishing up his NBA career with the Celtics at the time. The Dead and Dylan were intensely rehearsing the tunes they were about to play together. I finally got Bob Weir's attention. He proceeded to tell me he was super busy, doesn't endorse products, and that he rides a Fisher, so more or less, buzz off.

Swing and a miss!